TNT contact phone number in main destination countries
Here we list some countrys' TNT contact phone number for your reference,Sometimes
if there is any delivery Below is the list for your reference of TNT contact numbers for listed
countries. Sometimes if there is a delivery problem, our customer service staff will personally
contact TNT China to assist you, meanwhile you also can contact your local TNT yourself,
and maybe the problem will be solved quicker.
TNT Japan 3 55201 900
TNT India 222 823 4060
TNT Australia 2 93177 717
TNT New Zealand 92550500
TNT US 800 558 5555
TNT Mexico 555 242 9159
TNT Canada 905 672 9753
TNT Brazil 5564 8600
TNT UK 02072310455
TNT France 148144814
TNT Italy 025808881
TNT Germany 4073469 0
TNT Sweden 8 625 5 8 00
TNT Finland 20 420 420
TNT Denmark 7938051 1
TNT Norway 81000810
TNT Holland 204744000
TNT Spain 9166059 00
TNT Russia 4957972 700
TNT Turkey 212 410 1500
TNT Israel 8 91402 22
TNT Switzerland 62 837 00 00
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